Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Technique Tuesday - K1B (Knit 1 Below)...

I've decided that once a week I would like to bring you a different stitch or technique to use in your work. I was inspired to start Technique Tuesday the other day after an experience I had standing in line at JoAnn Fabrics.  A lady approached me when she noticed the two balls of yarn that I was purchasing and asked me if I knit, when I responded yes, she asked if she could enlist in my help.  The lady had a pattern that had a stitch in it that she was unfamiliar with, K1B, otherwise known as knit 1 below.  The method is really quite simple, but being armed with only raw yarn and my two hands I wasn't sure of how much help I was going to be if I couldn't actually show her.  The best thing I could do was to take off my mitten and try to show her in the completed stitches and explain the best I could.  Although she repeated the instructions back to me correctly, she still didn't look confident.  I assured her it would work, wished her luck and went on my merry way.  Still wishing I could have shown her, I would like to share a video of this technique by VeryPink Knits with you.  Here you go, K1B:

Knit on!

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